
The Brain

Postet on by Amanda Buck

Since I have been incorporating CranioSacral Therapy into my treatments I have become more in awe with our brain and its function. I love learning about it. It’s very complex and there is still so much to discover.

There are many parts of the brain I wanted to introduce you to but today we’ll just do one to get started. The Cerebral Cortex. This is the area you envision when you think of the brain, the outermost part. Full of bumps and grooves so it creates more surface space. If you smoothed it out it would be about the size of a full page newspaper!

The Cerebral Cortex is divided into 2 parts, or hemispheres, on either side of your head. Then further divided into 4 lobes: Frontal, Parietal, Occipital and Temporal

The Frontal Lobe
Holds the Motor Cortex.
This area deals with personality ultimately. Emotional regulation, problem solving and planning. As well as voluntary motor skills, reasoning, higher levels of cognition and expressive language

The Parietal Lobe
Holds the Somatosensory Cortex.
Temperature, and tactile sensory information like pressure, touch and pain are processed here

The Occipital Lobe
Holds the Primary Visual Cortex.
It interprets visual stimuli and information coming from the retinas of the eye

The Temporal Lobe
Holds the Primary Auditory Cortex.
It interprets sounds and language and also houses the Hippocampus which forms our memories.

Imagine all that in just one section of the brain!

The brain is the most important organ in the body, it controls and processes everything we do. I always tell my kids to protect their heads… fractured bones are not fun but much more treatable than brain injuries.

My hope is that this peaked your interest and encouraged you to learn a little bit more about the human body:)

Caroline Iwasaki, RMT

This week our featured therapist is Caroline Iwasaki. To learn more about Caroline check out our PhysioWorks team.

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