
Making an ICBC Claim

Postet on by Julie Johnson

As the office manager here at PhysioWorks I have been the liaison between patients, therapists and ICBC adjusters for quite a while but until recently I did not know much about the process involved in starting an ICBC claim. Until unfortunately a couple months ago when I was rear ended on my way home from work. Thankfully it was not a major collision and besides some whiplash symptoms I was okay, and so was the other driver. This was the first time I’d been in a motor vehicle accident so making a claim with ICBC was all new territory for me, as it is for many patients that we see here and I’ve learned some things from this experience.

The first thing you need to be aware of is how your body feels after the crash and even weeks later. Sometimes symptoms may take a while to develop so it’s important that you take time to assess how you feel and note if any new aches or pains begin to develop. If left untreated your symptoms could worsen and lead to larger problems down the road. It would be a good idea to see your doctor shortly after the incident for a full checkup, not just for your piece of mind but also so that your bases are covered should it turn out you require treatment further down the road.

In the event of an injury ICBC now automatically approves coverage for 20 physiotherapy visits and 12 massage therapy visits but only up until 3 months post-accident so it is much easier to receive treatment within those first 3 months than to get approval after that time. It is also important to note that ICBC does not cover the full cost for physiotherapy and massage therapy, only a portion of your visit. There is a user fee for physiotherapy sessions and here at PhysioWorks that fee is $45 (please note: this price is subject to change). For massage therapy visits ICBC will cover $23 of the visit but here at PhysioWorks we do not direct bill that amount so the patient is responsible for the full amount of their visit and can then submit their invoices to ICBC for reimbursement. ICBC may reimburse more than the $23 per visit for massage therapy as well as the user fee for physiotherapy but that depends on the nature of your accident and who was found to be at fault. A claims representative for ICBC will be able to clarify that with you when the time comes.

To make a claim you can do so with ICBC’s Online Claim Reporting however if you were injured in the collision you will need to call their Dial-a-Claim line (604-520-8222 in the Lower Mainland) and speak with a representative. Let them know the extent of your injuries to date and what treatment you would like to pursue, and they will give you a claim number. You will not be assigned an adjuster right away, only after you have received 4 or more treatments will they then assign a dedicated adjuster to your case, in the meantime they will give you their general line to call if you have further questions and all your conversations will be documented.

Once you find a clinic that you would like to attend be sure to let them know that you have an ICBC claim as not all clinics will see ICBC cases, however PhysioWorks gladly accepts ICBC patients. When you come in for your first visit be sure to bring in your claim number and your BC Health Number as this info will be needed for us to communicate with ICBC and also to bill them. You will also need a referral from your doctor if you require more than just a few visits so it is a good idea to get one ahead of time to prevent any delays in your coverage.

As your treatment progresses here at PhysioWorks the front desk and your therapist will be able to assist in clarifying and organizing further treatment should you need it and keep you updated with your coverage. Once you start to near the end of either your approved visit amount or approved end date you will probably be required to get another doctor’s referral before ICBC will approve coverage but we will be here the let you know what is required and to liaise with your adjuster. As time goes on you will may start to feel pressure from ICBC to settle your claim but we highly recommend that you do not settle until you and your therapist feel you can go through your day to day duties without pain or risk of further injury. Every case is different but here at PhysioWorks our goal is to make sure that you not only feel better but have the knowledge and confidence to avoid any further pain or aggravation before we stop seeing you.

If you are just starting the process of making an ICBC claim or already have one but would like some more info on how we can help you please contact us here.

Amanda Buck, MOA

About twice a month our therapists will be posting answers to commonly asked questions. So, if you have a burning question that you want answered let us know in the comments below.

We can cover anything ranging from active rehabilitation, to injury prevention.

This week our featured blogger is Amanda Buck, PhysioWorks Office Manager. To learn more about us check out our PhysioWorks team.

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