
Importance of Cross Training

Postet on by Julie Johnson

Do you have a particular exercise or sport you can’t get enough of? Maybe it’s lifting weights, running, or perhaps you’re an avid rock climber. While it’s fine to be devoted to one sport, you owe it to your body to “mix it up” now and then through cross-training activities.

Cross training is typically defined as an exercise regimen that uses several modes of training to develop a specific component of fitness.Cross-training exercises allow you to enjoy tremendous benefits every time you engage in workouts:

Lowered injury risk: If you’ve ever had an overuse injury, you know how hard it can be on your body and your psyche. By cross-training your muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments, you’re actually lowering your chances of getting hurt. How? You’re improving and strengthening the other parts of your body surrounding the ones that are constantly being used.By spreading the cumulative level of orthopedic stress over additional muscles and joints, you will be able to exercise more frequently and for longer periods of time without excessively overloading particularly vulnerable areas of the body (e.g., knees, hips, back, shoulders, elbows and feet). For example, people who are particularly prone to lower-leg problems from running long distances should consider incorporating low-impact activities such as elliptical training, cycling and swimming into their regimens.

Muscle versatility: When you’re focused on only one sport, you’re not working all of your muscles. In fact, some of he muscles in your body may even become atrophied, even though you think you are in shape! Cross training forces those muscles that are not being used in your predominant sport to become stronger.

Excitement: Feel like your sport has lost its pizzazz? Is it tough to get out of bed to go on that five-miler at six o’clock or hit the gym for an hour-long session after a long day on the job? Cross-training will move you out of your doldrums by introducing you to new challenges to keep you motivated and coming back for more.

Cross-Training Activities to Try Today!

Cross-training doesn’t mean you have to eliminate the activities you love. It’s simply a great way to improve your performance in those activities. Below are a few examples of cross-training exercises you can try:

  • Weightlifting. Are you a cardio junkie? Lift some weights at least once a week. You’ll notice an increase in speed and power on your run or bike ride.
  • Yoga and Pilates. These are great for building core strength as well as increasing mobility and flexibility of your joints and muscles.
  • Running. Have you put off doing any kind of cardio work in favour of your bodybuilding dreams? Running is a great way to get some aerobic activity, in addition to your anaerobic exercises.
  • Team sports. Finally, why not join a pick-up basketball or some other type of sports team? Team activities help you exercise new muscles and challenge yourself.

It’s never too early to get started on cross-training activities. Add some to your routines now and reinvigorate your active lifestyle.

Karen Martens, RMT

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This week our featured therapist is Karen Martens. To learn more about Karen check out our PhysioWorks team.

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