
Types of Medical Scans

We see a lot of injuries in this clinic which means a lot of medical reports and scans. So I thought I would give a little summary of the ones we see often in case you ever find yourself needing one…hopefully not though! X-Ray X-rays are a naturally occurring form of electromagnetic radiation; they are […]

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Nobody likes a headache… But imagine if you suffered from multiple headaches a month! Unfortunately there are people out there who do. Most of us have had one, usually occurring on occasion and lasting a few hours. We are the lucky ones. Some people are plagued with debilitating and intensely painful headaches which cause years […]

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Thoracic Mobility: The Linchpin of Neck, Shoulder and Low Back Health

The ability to move freely through our upper back specifically with extension and rotation has a major impact on our neck, shoulders, low back and even our ability to breathe efficiently. Try this simple test: round through your upper back and see how high you can lift your arms overhead. Watch what happens to your […]

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Being Injured Sucks

So it’s been awhile but I am injured again…Not bad, don’t worry and yes, I can still work! It just lead me to think again about my clients and how they feel when they come in upset about their ailing or injured body. We’ve all been through it to some degree and we can all […]

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Natural Curves

Everyone knows the importance of our backs, and how hard it is to function without a healthy back, but why do some have more pain or issues than others? There are numerous reasons to this question but as therapists we constantly talk about posture and alignment because this essentially is the basis for how well […]

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Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome or TOS as it’s called is a type of compression syndrome occurring to the area around the first rib and clavicle. This is where the nerves that service the arm are located as well as the subclavian artery and vein which supply blood circulation to the arm. The most common type of […]

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What therapy do I choose?

Confused about what type of therapy to use? So are many people. Clients ask me all the time about various therapies and what is beneficial, and the honest truth is that people are different. By that I mean clients bodies are different and their response to treatments vary, and because the body is so complicated […]

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Making an ICBC Claim

As the office manager here at PhysioWorks I have been the liaison between patients, therapists and ICBC adjusters for quite a while but until recently I did not know much about the process involved in starting an ICBC claim. Until unfortunately a couple months ago when I was rear ended on my way home from […]

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