
Dealing With Anxiety

Postet on by Amanda Buck

Unfortunately, such a common word now and we hear it all the time. At least I do, as a mother I hear it at my kids school, as a therapist I hear it at work. Stress, nervousness, fear, worry – all common emotions and anxiety is too a primal emotion. It drives us and keeps us in check, kind of like that inner voice we were always told to listen too. Before a big test or significant life event we all feel it. So, a certain amount of anxiety is actually a good thing.
When it is constant and you start getting nervous about the “average” or daily life events it becomes a disorder. Anxiety disorders are diagnosed when one experiences excessive anxiety about a number of events or activities, occurring more days than not, for at least 6 months.

Now, I am not educated in mental health so I’ll speak to you about the physical effects seen from such disorders. Rapid heartbeat, sweating, stomach aches, headaches, tense muscles… these can all come into play when your nervous system is firing all the time. So an excessive or prolonged amount of this can be debilitating. From what I’ve been reading this is what a lot of people finally go to the doctor for the physical effects, which usually means this has been going on for far too long.

We do have a lot of stress these days but hopefully a lot more education in the importance of mental health, which is maybe why we hear more about it now? Who knows, I don’t but again I am not educated in mental health. I do know that the mind/body connection is very strong and I’m hoping that if our country gets a better system in place for educating everyone in mental health we can keep plugging away at PREVENTION..from the mental and physical aspects.So here’s a link to check out if you need anymore info on this important topic.I hear it is tremendous and has an award winning app you can download too.

Keep calm… come to PhysioWorks!

Caroline Iwasaki, RMT

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This week our featured therapist is Caroline. To learn more about Caroline check out our PhysioWorks team.

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