

Postet on by Julie Johnson

Nobody likes a headache… But imagine if you suffered from multiple headaches a month! Unfortunately there are people out there who do. Most of us have had one, usually occurring on occasion and lasting a few hours. We are the lucky ones. Some people are plagued with debilitating and intensely painful headaches which cause years of agony. These headaches can cause a person to miss work and other activities while they hide in a dark room. Sounds terrible I know, but there are ways to alleviate these dreadful headaches…if not completely than at least reduce the severity and frequency.

First lets look at the various types of headaches:

  • Tension headaches – usually caused by contractions of muscle which cause pressure on the skull, can be classified as chronic
  • Migraines – severity varies, can be with or without an aura and cause various symptoms including vomiting or sensitivity to light and sound
  • Hormonal – changes in hormones due to menstruation and/or pregnancies, endocrine dysfunction in men and women, can be hereditary
  • Cluster – sudden sharp onset of debilitating pain usually focused around one eye. They do not occur as often but will cause an onslaught of headaches which can occur a few times in a day up to a week, then not come back for months or years

These are very general definitions of course, just to give you an idea of the frequency and severity of the varying symptoms. There are many things unknown about headaches however, with so many variables taking place it can be a very complicated study.

Common known causes are from things like: muscle tension, joint misalignment, dehydration, food intolerances, stress, hormonal changes, anxiety, depression, lack of sleep, pressure changes, jet lag, excessive caffeine, and improper use of medications just to name a few. With so many possibilities it is always best for the headache sufferer to keep a journal. What did you eat that day? Stressors? Sleep? Conflicting medications? Exercise? Writing it down will help you keep some organization to all of your theories and give health professionals insight as to how they can help.

In my practice as a massage therapist I have helped many people reduce or nearly eliminate headaches. Massage therapy relieves stress and muscle tension and aligns the spine which helps with many of the causes. Physiotherapy focusing on aligning the spine and body and getting you exercising, which is key to eliminating most ailments, can also help.

Various therapies also aim to give a balance to your body systems which can help with hormonal or chemical imbalances. The more balanced the body the more efficiently it works. You can also do things at home like diaphragmatic breathing, ice application, meditation, stretching, drinking plenty of water, minimizing caffeine intake, eliminating sulphates from your diet, and of course EXERCISE. This is why it is important to know your triggers to pinpoint a treatment.

Medications are also available, including Botox injections, which can ease severe pain. In my opinion it is always best to take medications as a last resort but sometimes they are necessary. It can be very difficult to think clearly and focus at all when you are in pain so don’t be afraid to talk to your doctor about them but try to figure out a better long term solution.

Headaches are such a broad and complicated topic but hopefully my general information has given you a start to find your treatment. Please start a journal right away to assist your health professional and remember that you don’t have to suffer in silence. It is not “normal” to get headaches all the time.

Caroline Iwasaki, RMT

About twice a month our therapists will be posting answers to commonly asked questions. So, if you have a burning question that you want answered let us know in the comments below.

We can cover anything ranging from active rehabilitation, to injury prevention.

This week our featured therapist is Caroline Iwasaki. To learn more about Caroline check out our PhysioWorks team.

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